Roundtable No°5 | 2023: Spot-Check vs. Continuous Monitoring in General Wards
Note: The next roundtable will take place on September 14th (18:00 - 20:30) on the topic of "User Design Experience in Alarm Management“ in cooperation with denkwerk GmbH. Further information and the possibility to register can be found here. The event will be held in English.
The fifth roundtable of the year seamlessly followed the path set by the engaging fourth one. After a brief introduction and recap of the previous event, the hands-on session launched into action. Our sponsor, Masimo, presented an intriguing look into spot-check monitoring (sampling of parameters at chosen points in time) devices and a novel technology for continuous monitoring, offering two promising scenarios for the future of standard care unit monitoring.
During this interactive session, participants from the industry and different hospitals in Berlin had the opportunity to evaluate which of these concepts holds more promise for them and which might be easier to implement. These stimulating ideas were then discussed in an insightful discussion.
Several important takeaways were highlighted:
Both systems have the potential to be very beneficial, depending on the patient's situation and their needs.
Intensive staff training is essential for a successful implementation.
Given the considerable amount of data that can be collected, it is important to establish sensible parameters upfront to prevent parameter fatigue.
Any potential hurdles to implementation, such as WiFi coverage, need to be proactively addressed.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to all participants and to Masimo. Their contributions made this roundtable an enlightening and engaging evening. After a brief summer break, we are excited to welcome back both new and familiar faces on September 14th at the Einstein Center Digital Future!
The Patient Monitoring Roundtable is organized by INCH e.V. (Initiative for Collaboration and Innovation in Healthcare e.V.) in cooperation with the Institute for Medical Informatics at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Hacking Health Berlin.