Roundtable No°8 | 2023: Two years of the Patient Monitoring Roundtable in focus
Note: The next roundtable is scheduled for January 30, 2024. The topic will be “Monitoring in zero gravity: Findings from space research”.
Dr. Oliver Opatz will give a short keynote, which is followed by a hands-on session. If interested, please register here.
Two years ago, when we initiated the Patient Monitoring Roundtable, we could never have imagined the remarkable events it would lead to, with impressive and highly dedicated participants. This year, in a festive and reflective Christmas atmosphere, we met for the eighth time. This was not just to conclude the year but also to look back on two years of intensive work, challenges, and successes and to shape the near future of the Roundtable with our participants.
In the first part of the event, we collectively reviewed the past Roundtables, reflecting both on the content and structure. Following this, participants had the opportunity to choose their favorite sessions. This process provided us with valuable insights and identified areas for development. The discussion then moved on to the future of the Roundtable in the second part of the event. We engaged in in-depth discussions about potential topics, preferred formats, and new approaches for the upcoming years. These discussions were inspiring and generated a multitude of ideas for exploration in future Roundtables.
The key takeaways were:
Favorite sessions: UX design in alarm management, Telecardiology with a keynote from Prof. Köhler, and the Telecare Hotel.
Popular methodology: Hands-on sessions and workshops.
Topics for future Roundtables: Implementation, artificial intelligence (AI), learning from Best Practices in digitalization from leading European neighboring countries.
Previous PMRT Topics
We would like to thank all participants for their lively exchange, commitment, and valuable contributions. Without your passion and expertise, the Patient Monitoring Roundtable would not be what it is today. It is your engagement that turns the Roundtable into a place of learning, growth, and inspiration!
We are very excited about our future meetings and exploring new horizons in the field of patient monitoring and beyond. Our next reunion will be on January 30, 2024, at the Charité BIH Innovation Digital Labs (Am Zirkus 1 / Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 3, 10117 Berlin).
Happy New Year to you all!
The Patient Monitoring Roundtable is organized and conducted by INCH e.V. (Initiative for Innovation and Collaboration in Healthcare e.V.) in cooperation with the Institute for Medical Informatics at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin.