Roundtable No°2 | 2024: Participatory implementation for a digital healthcare system
Joscha Hofferbert Joscha Hofferbert

Roundtable No°2 | 2024: Participatory implementation for a digital healthcare system

At the second Patient Monitoring Roundtable 2024, we have set ourselves a lot of goals under the promising motto "Together for innovation: Participatory implementation for a digital healthcare system". At a time when the digitalisation of the healthcare system is progressing rapidly we discussed new solutions through participatory implementation…

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Roundtable No°7 | 2023: Medical Smartwaches
Joscha Hofferbert Joscha Hofferbert

Roundtable No°7 | 2023: Medical Smartwaches

"Medical smartwatches - the future of intersectoral patient monitoring?" We addressed this question together with Masimo at this year's seventh Patient Monitoring Roundtable…

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Roundtable No°6 | 2023: User Experience Design
Joscha Hofferbert Joscha Hofferbert

Roundtable No°6 | 2023: User Experience Design

For the sixth roundtable of this year, we had the pleasure of discussing a special topic close to our hearts in cooperation with denkwerk GmbH. The INALO project (Intelligent Alarm Optimization) pursues the ambitious goal of alarm prioritization in intensive care units with the help of artificial intelligence in order to minimize the currently prevailing flood of inconsequential alarms and the resulting alarm fatigue…

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Third Patient Monitoring Roundtable 2023 - Telemedicine in focus
Joscha Hofferbert Joscha Hofferbert

Third Patient Monitoring Roundtable 2023 - Telemedicine in focus

The third roundtable of the year was something special: On the occasion of the opening day of the DMEA on 25 April, together with the Healthcare Experience Meetup of IBM iX Berlin, we addressed the question "Telemedicine - panacea or means to an end?…

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Roundtable No. 2 in 2023: Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Joscha Hofferbert Joscha Hofferbert

Roundtable No. 2 in 2023: Continuous Glucose Monitoring

The second roundtable of the year (23/03/2023) focused on Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM). Dr. Katarina Braune, a specialist in pediatrics and diabetologist with proven expertise in digital health, delivered a keynote address with the following insights…

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First Patient Monitoring Roundtable of 2023: Telecardiology
Joscha Hofferbert Joscha Hofferbert

First Patient Monitoring Roundtable of 2023: Telecardiology

In the first Roundtable of the year (23/02/2023), Prof. Dr. Friedrich Köhler – head of the Center for Cardiovascular Telemedicine at Charité – held a keynote on the topic of telemedicine in the treatment of heart failure. And here is what we learned from him…

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